• 2019 YCSH 90th Anniversary Logo
  • 2019 YCSH Yearbook
  • 2019 YCSH Yearbook
  • 2019 YCSH Yearbook
  • 2019 YCSH Yearbook

The Yacht Club of Stone Harbor celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2019. My first task… develop a 90th anniversary logo variation to brand the year. The logo was used on their website, menus, emails, and newsletters. (Final design shown above some of the options originally presented.)

The Club wanted a special 90th anniversary, hardcover Yearbook to commemorate 2019. In addition to the usual events and activities highlighted each year, the anniversary book contained multiple history pages that I compiled (and then wrote and edited) after going through over 70 years’ worth of old Yearbooks, vintage photographs, and clippings (and quite a few Google searches.) Amazingly, the archival images that were all scanned using my home scanner/printer/copier turned out really well.

For the cover, the original plan was to showcase the newly renovated and expanded Clubhouse, but construction (scheduled to be done by Memorial Day weekend) was not sufficiently finished before the book was due at the printer. After briefly considering (and rejecting) retouching an under-construction photo to resemble the completed Clubhouse and landscaping, it was decided instead to feature the Clubhouse’s new, distinctive cupola and weather vane (both of which were ready in time).