Nut Facts Makeover

Posted on Mar 2, 2014 in FYI

Over the years, I have worked in all sorts of design fields: publications, logos, web, advertising, displays. And packaging design—which lives in its own little universe somewhere out in left field.

Why is it so different? Packaging design lives in a multi-dimensional world. There are front panels, back panels, top panels, bottoms panels, and side panels. And if the packaging is for food, the government gets involved. The point size of this element, that element, and the other thing is all defined by law.

So when the government announces a change in the nutritional facts that go on every food package, my head starts to spin. Will the new and improved panels be bigger or smaller (nope, they are never smaller)? How much flexibility will there be in typography (short answer, probably none)? How soon will these changes need to be implemented (or how busy will my summer be updating existing packaging)?

But I am also a consumer who thinks, “Wow, I might actually be able to make some sense of this back panel stuff.” Because everyone already knows a half cup just does not constitute a single serving of ice cream. Not in this universe or any other.