Meet My New Interns

Posted on Jun 18, 2015 in Updates


The open feline position in our household has now been filled by two absolutely adorable kittens recruited from the South Philly refinery where my husband, Rich, works. We are very pleased that Cleopatra (named for, well, Cleopatra—and my previous three cats also named Cleopatra) and Bastet (named for the Egyptian goddess of cats) have accepted our offer to become spoiled suburban house cats.

The sisters are about 12 weeks old and are busy learning all their new responsibilities. Having quickly perfected the art of being unbelievably cute, they then moved onto other important kitten skills like using kitty litter, playing with toys, running from room to room, hiding in extremely small spaces, and chasing their tails (an important skill in any organization). Currently they are busy exploring their new domain and trying to make friends with Bert, our CFO (chief feline officer), who for some reason seems less than impressed with their cuteness.

Rich and I (and Bert) are looking forward to plenty of quality kitten time over the summer as Cleopatra (the orange and white one) and Bastet (all orange) continue to investigate their new home.