Does This Writing Make Me Look Stupid

Posted on Apr 17, 2015 in Random Thoughts

More and more, I am writing (or editing) as I am designing. Seems that hiring a writer for small design projects is a luxury that clients just don’t want to bother with or pay for. Because I have spent my career around really talented writers and editors, I have limited patience with sloppy writing (especially when I am the one doing the writing). So I try very hard to place my commas correctly (possibly channeling my 11th-grade English teacher who was a comma enthusiast), use other punctuation properly (damn those semicolons), hyphenate compound adjectives, and use the right words in the right places. It isn’t always easy. There are some words that are just so easily confused with others (compliment and complement, I am talking about you). This handy list from highlights 32 words that are often mistaken for each other. Using them correctly might not make you look smarter, but using them incorrectly will almost certainly make you look less than brilliant.