Was That RBG or CMYK?
Certain pairs just always go together. Chocolate and vanilla. Night and day. Sun and rain. Dogs and cats. Dinner and dessert. They are opposites that attract. Better together, each half complementing its partner. Try making chocolate cookies without the vanilla. Yuck. And really, how would you appreciate a beautiful sunny day if you couldn’t compare […]
True Blue
The monitor for my first computer system only supported 8-bit color, so it displayed just 256 colors. That sounds like a lot, but it was really limiting. Many colors don’t make the cut when only 256 are allowed to play ball. At the time, I would have loved to have had a monitor that displayed […]
Copy(right) That
Because a good share of what graphic designers produce is referred to as “work for hire,” we never really own our creations. Our clients or employers do. So we are not always aware of what has a copyright and what does not. (Really, do most Americans realize that they don’t have exclusive rights to their […]
Nut Facts Makeover
Over the years, I have worked in all sorts of design fields: publications, logos, web, advertising, displays. And packaging design—which lives in its own little universe somewhere out in left field. Why is it so different? Packaging design lives in a multi-dimensional world. There are front panels, back panels, top panels, bottoms panels, and side […]