And, the Winner Is…

Posted on Feb 5, 2020 in Random Thoughts

Best picture. Best director. Best actor. Best actress. Best use of cinematography (what ever that is). Best screen play. Best original score. The Oscars seem to have a category for just about everything associated with making a movie.

Except one.

There is no award for best poster. It is something that I had never really thought about, but, really, if you already present an Oscar for best art direction, why not one for, well, you know, best poster art direction. This year, The Washington Post presented a round-up of the Oscar-nominated best picture movie posters with accompanying expert commentary offering an interesting critique of each poster and insights into its design and effectiveness.

While posters were once a critical way to communicate important messages and information (Keep Calm and Carry On) to the public. Now they have become pretty much a lost art form, often more art than info. I can’t think of the last time I was asked to design a poster. In fact, I am not sure if I ever designed one. But, I do enjoy looking at the posters on the rare occasion that I go to a movie theater. Now, if only there were a best poster Oscar….