
One Cat, Two Cat, Red Cat, Blue Cat

Bailey (Blue Cat)

Adopted from our local SPCA in 1999, Bailey acts as my office receptionist greeting pretty much anyone who stops by. (Because, according to her, if you are not here to see Bailey, why are you here anyway?) When she is not busy greeting visitors, Bailey continues her research into the position and movement of sunny spots and then extrapolating perfect nap locations. There are just so many variables to be thoroughly tested. It is a tough job, but she seems up to the challenge. In addition to napping, Bailey likes cat treats, belly rubs, and, occasionally, Bert.

Bert (Red Cat)

Competing with Bailey for the title of most spoiled cat ever adopted from the Montgomery County SPCA is my junior staffer, Bert. Named for the Renaissance sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti, who was famous for his bronzes (look that one up in your Funk and Wagnalls—or just check Wikipedia), Bert found a home with us in 2008. And no, you are not mistaken; he really is unbelievably handsome. The “Bert-inator” handles outside security (when the weather is warm and not rainy), keeping a close eye on any neighborhood cats who might wander into his yard. Bert’s hobbies include hunting (mice, birds, chipmunks, snakes, cicadas, etc.), napping (all that hunting and stalking is rather tiring), and plotting new and innovative ways to annoy Bailey.