4 Years and Counting

Posted on Aug 30, 2017 in Updates

My website has been live for just about four years with over 98,000 unique visits. In that time, one long lost colleague and one potential client emailed me through my contact page. I also received a lot of junk emails about Russian brides and hot stock tips (among other things) that I eliminated when I added a CAPTCHA function to my contact form. To the rest of the 98,000, let me know who you are. I would love to hear from you (unless, of course, you are offering me a Russian bride or a hot stock tip). Each month, I still try to add a blog post on a topic that I (and, hopefully, someone else out there) find interesting.

This summer, I updated my portfolio with some new projects. One of the joys of freelancing is that I get to work on lots of different and interesting projects. One of the downfalls is that I can’t always add those projects to my portfolio (and when I can, I don’t always find the time to actually make those additions). So I was pleased to be able to add the following new projects to my online portfolio:

Four years later, it is all (or mostly) good, and that is not a bad place (both mentally and physically) to be. Onward.