I Am Not a Robot

Posted on Dec 12, 2016 in FYI

I am not a robot. No, really, I am not. And, hopefully, neither are you.

Unfortunately, robots are pretty active on the Internet, and, for some reason, they really liked to send me emails. Lots of emails. Lots of emails from Russian girls looking for love. Emails with hot stock tips and cures for an undersized you-know-what. Emails with bogus, overdue invoices.

Luckily for me, that is all in the past. Okay, not really all in the past. Spam still makes it into my inbox (or into my spam folder), but I have managed to eliminate almost all of the spam that was being sent to me through the contact form on this website. How did I do it? I added a handy CAPTCHA function to the form that asks potential senders if they are robots. Apparently, robots are not very good at checking the “I’m not a Robot” box on the form, but, for us silly humans, checking the box is pretty easy.

The add-on was simple to install, and, after I had it up and running, no more spam. (Sorry Russian girls, but I never was going to be interested in whatever you had to offer.)