The View from Here

Posted on Aug 3, 2022 in Updates

Nine years ago, one of my biggest clients shut down, and I was looking for work. The first thing most people asked when I touched base was “Do you have a website?” So, I decided it was high time that I organized my samples and set up an online portfolio. I spent much of that summer gathering materials, creating write-ups, and then setting up the site.

And then I got busy again. All good.

Nine years later, I am a totally different place. Retirement is not that far away anymore. Whether I will completely retire or just scale back on workload remains to be seen. Depends. Creating the site was a lot of work, so I try to keep it up to date-ish. I try to post on a semi-regular basis. After five years in residence, Luna has been finally added to my “Staff” page. I once again have a (fingers crossed) working contact page. And I have added a few items to my portfolio.

The view from here is a bit different than what I could see looking forward nine years ago. The path is (by definition) a bit shorter, and I am not sure how long it will be going one way before forking off into another direction. I like to think of the pieces in my portfolio as markers along the way. It was not always a straight and direct path, but I can look back and like where I have been.